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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Eyewitness Testimony as Evidence for God’s Word

How important is eyewitness testimony as evidence that the Bible is true?Does the Bible contain evidence to convince us it is true? Did the writers of the New Testament claim to testify as eyewitnesses of the things they wrote? How important is eyewitness testimony? How can we know whether the testimony of witnesses is valid?

Monday, August 26, 2024

Things That Are Temporary: A Study of Priorities

Things that are temporary: a study in prioritiesEverything you can experience with your physical senses will someday pass away. Only things you cannot see are eternal. So what should be your priorities in life? Possessions, wealth, pleasures, entertainment, sports - all are temporary and will end. Pleasing people, popularity, even life and good health will end. Only serving God leads to eternal rewards and lasting blessings.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Jesus’ Character as Evidence for His Claims

Jesus' life and character offer strong evidence that He was the Divine Son of God.Jesus' miracles, resurrection, and fulfilled prophecy give powerful evidence proving He was the Divine Son of God. But His life and character also offer proof. His claims, moral purity, and teaching demonstrate He was not a liar, hypocrite, or lunatic but was exactly who He claimed to be.

Click here to view this material is also available as a free Video Bible study.

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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Roast Lamb (and Instrumental Music) in Worship?

Should we eat roast lamb in worship? What about instrumental music?Should we eat roast lamb in the Lord's Supper? What if people say it was done in the Old Testament and would aid our worship? There is a Lamb in Revelation and people can honor God with their talent in cooking the lamb. And where does the Bible say not to? But all these same reasons are used to justify instrumental music in worship. If we can see why not to eat roast lamb, then why use instruments?

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Lessons from the Sinking of the Titanic

Lessons from the TitanicWhat spiritual lessons and Bible principles can we learn from one of the greatest tragedies in history?


"Gentlemen, I regret to say that the Titanic sank at 2:20 this morning." (p169)

This announcement was made by Philip Franklin, vice president of the White Star Line in New York. He referred to the sinking of the luxury ocean liner the Titanic, which sank in the North Atlantic on the morning of April 14, 1912, after hitting an iceberg. Of the 2200 people on board, over 1500 of them died.

Even today, almost a century later, this tragedy stirs the interest of multitudes, as illustrated by recent movies, books, and documentaries.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Reconciliation: Solving Alienation with God and People

How can we be reconciled with God and with other from whom we are alienate?What does it mean to be reconciled? What causes us to be enemies alienated from God? What has God done to achieve our forgiveness and what must we do to receive it? What should we do when sin alienates us from other Christians? How important are communication and forgiveness?

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The story of Joseph and his brothers is a bittersweet story about reconciliation. Because of jealousy, Joseph’s brothers plotted to kill him but instead sold him as a slave into Egypt.

Years later, by God’s providence, Joseph became governor of Egypt. His brothers came to Egypt to buy food during a famine. They did not recognize Joseph, but he recognized them and went to great lengths to test them to see if they had changed. Eventually he made himself known to them and they were reconciled.

The Bible has much to say about reconciliation.

2 Corinthians 5:17-21 – “Be ye reconciled to God.”

To “reconcile” means to “exchange … hostility for a friendly relationship” – Bauer-Danker-Arndt-Gingrich. Sin alienates or separates people from God. We need to cease being God’s enemies and develop peace. The gospel plan to achieve this is called “the word of reconciliation.”

Sometimes people become alienated from other people. They become enemies, no longer in friendly relations. They too need to be reconciled.

The purpose of this lesson is to study God’s plan for reconciliation.

God has a plan to reconcile people to God and a plan to reconcile people to people.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Sovereignty of God and Human Free Choice

Does God's sovereignty mean people have no choice about salvation?Does God's sovereignty mean people have no choice about salvation? Calvinist creeds say God determined to save individuals eternally or to condemn them regardless of their choice, conduct, or character. Is this what the Bible says or does God choose to give people the free will power to choose to meet the conditions of salvation? Did Jesus die to offer forgiveness to all people and then invite us to choose to accept that salvation by obeying His teaching?

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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Where Did Denominations Come From? Why So Many?

Where did the many denominations come from? Why so many?Many denominations exist that differ in origin, authority, doctrine, and organization. Where did they come from and why are they here? How do they compare to the church built by Jesus Christ in the New Testament? What does God's word say about their existence?

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Click here to listen to this material as a free MP3 Bible study message.

Click/tap here to see PowerPoint slides and charts to accompany this material.

Monday, November 27, 2023

A Study of Trust, Evidence, and Forgiveness

Trust, evidence, and forgivenessHow should we decide whether to trust someone? How should we decide whether someone should be given special responsibilities? What does it mean to forgive someone who sins? If someone sins, repents, and is forgiven, must they immediately be restored to positions of trust? If we decide they should step down from special responsibilities to take time to rebuild their reputation and people's trust in them, does that mean we have not forgiven them?

Click/tap here to view this material as a video Bible Study.

Click/tap here to see PowerPoint slides and charts to accompany this material.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Abortion, the Bible, and Civil Government

Why do we have mass shootings?Should abortion be legal to the moment of birth? Does abortion constitute killing an innocent human individual? Is abortion simply a family matter that should not involve government? What about the rights of the parents of a minor girl or the father of the baby? Should separation of church and state eliminate religious views from consideration?

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Click/tap here to read a more in-depth study of abortion.

The purpose of this study is to examine abortion and pro-abortion legislation.*

If killing an unborn baby constitutes killing innocent human life, then this is fundamentally a question of morality which makes it a Biblical and religious issue, not just a matter of politics. Examining pro-abortion legislation teaches us the following about abortion:

Monday, September 25, 2023

Works and Salvation: Is Obedience Necessary?

Are works of obedience necessary to salvation? Are we saved by faith without obedience?

Are Works Essential to Salvation? Most Protestant churches teach salvation by faith only: works of obedience (especially baptism) are not needed to be saved. But are there different kinds of works? Do we earn salvation by living without sin? What about grace? Are there Scriptures that say we must obey to be saved? Do our attitudes matter? What about children of God: must we live a faithful life to receive eternal life?

Click/tap here to view this material as a free video Bible study.

Click here to view PowerPoint slides and charts to accompany this study.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Bible Preservation: Transmission, Ancestry, and Canon of Scripture

Preservation of the Bible: Transmission, Ancestry, and Canon of Scripture (textual criticism)

Has the Bible been accurately preserved and transmitted to us over the centuries? Have we accepted the proper books in the canon of Scripture, or has teaching been lost or added improperly? Do ancient manuscripts contradict one another? A study of the preservation, transmission, ancestry, and accuracy of the Bible: textual criticism.

Click/tap here to view this material as a free Bible Study video.

This material is also available in print as part of our book on Bible Inspiration and Preservation. For more information, go to

You can also listen to this material as a free MP3 recording here.

Click/tap here to see free PowerPoint slides and charts to accompany this material.

Monday, August 28, 2023

The Bible, Gender, Transgenderism, and Sex Roles

Why do we have mass shootings?Is gender a spectrum? A matter of choice? When is it determined? What should be the roles of men and women in the home, church, and society? How does transgenderism relate to homosexuality? What about men in women's restrooms and facilities? What about cross dressing and drag queens? What does the Bible say? Has the Creator spoken?

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Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Picket Fence: Measuring Our Service to God

How should we determine our religious practices? Should we compare to what other people do?Religious people often conclude they are pleasing to God by comparing themselves to other people: the religion of their family, past traditions of the church, or a succession of past church leaders. What is the proper way to determine whether our service pleases God?

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

How Can We Benefit from Jesus' Blood?

Benefit of Jesus' bloodJesus' sacrificial death on the cross is essential to our forgiveness and salvation from sin. But how do we receive the benefit of His sacrifice? Is there a connection between Jesus' death and hearing the gospel, faith, repentance, and confession? What about baptism and church membership? Must we live an obedient, faithful life? 

Are you sure you have received the blessings of Jesus' crucifixion?

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Monday, June 26, 2023

Did Jesus View Scripture as Accurate, Inspired Authority?

Did Jesus view the Bible as accurate, inspired, Divine Authority?Many people doubt or deny the accuracy or authority of the Bible. Did Jesus believe in the accuracy of Creation, Noah's flood, and Jonah? Did He believe the Old and New Testaments were inspired by God as authority and a standard to guide people to know and obey the word of God? May we take a middle-ground position that we are followers of Jesus but we doubt some Bible teachings?

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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Truth Matters: The Importance of Truth

How Important Is Truth in Spiritual and Moral Issues?Our society increasingly belittles the importance of truth in spiritual and moral Issues. Some say there is no absolute truth or truth for you is whatever you believe it to be. How essential is truth regarding the existence of God and the truth of His word. Do we need the truth regarding salvation, morals, the church, worship, and doctrine? Is truth essential in government, business, the family, education, and science?

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Thursday, April 6, 2023

Why Do People Believe Evolution Instead of Creation?

Why do people believe in evolution instead of creation?Do people believe evolution because they have been convinced by examining scientific evidence? Is evolution scientific but creation is unscientific? Is evolution promoted but creation suppressed? Do all scientists believe evolution? Are scientists always objective? Are people's views influenced by bias, preconceived ideas, and personal desires?

Click/tap here for free PowerPoint slides and charts to accompany this material 

Monday, March 27, 2023

The Christian’s Hope: Its Object, Source, and Blessings

What hope should we seek and how can we obtain it?What is hope? Should we hope for enjoying life on earth, a millennium of Jesus' earthly reign, reincarnation, or eternal life in heaven? Should our hope be based on human ability, material possessions, and pleasures or on the promises of God? How do we obtain the hope offered in the gospel

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Click/tap here to view PowerPoint charts to accompany this material.

Monday, February 27, 2023

“Not Pleasing Men, but God”

Should we please people or God?When conflict exists between what God wants and what people want, what choice should we make? What about obeying government when civil rulers require us to disobey the Bible? Or what about family members or business employers or even church leaders or members who expect us to do what is sinful?

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Click/tap here to see PowerPoint Slides to accompany this study.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Caterpillar Churches and Creeds: Blind Leading the Blind?

Caterpillar churches and denominations: traditions, manmade doctrinesSome caterpillars blindly follow one another in procession. Do religious people often do the same? Do denominations blindly follow church traditions, manmade doctrines, and creeds? Do members blindly follow seminary-trained preachers? Do people assume "all these people can't be wrong"? Are you and I "Caterpillar Christians"?

Click/tap here to view this material as a video Bible study.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Individual Responsibility in Salvation; Free Moral Agency

Individual responsibility in salvation: Must each individual personally choose to be saved? Are we free moral agents, or may others decide our salvation for us?Is each individual personally responsible to choose to accept salvation? Are we free moral agents? What about inherited depravity and infant baptism? Are we righteous because we have godly family members or because we are members of a faithful local church? What about Identity Politics, Critical Race Theory, and the "Me To" movement?

Click/tap here to listen to this study as a free MP3 recorded Bible message.

Click/tap here to view this as a free video Bible study.

Click/tap here for PowerPoint slides to accompany this study.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Fellowship with Error: Encouragement, Support, Assistance, Justification, Acceptance

Should we fellowship sin? What about encouraging, juistifying, defending, or assisting those who do wrong?Fellowship is sharing or being part of an activity. Is it possible to be guilty of a wrong act even if we do not actually commit the act? What about encouragement or tempting others to sin? Is it wrong to support, assist, or cooperate with those who do evil acts? What if we defend, protect, or justify those who sin? What does the Bible say?

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Sir Isaac Newton’s Model Solar System and God

Isaac Newton used a model of the solar system to show that the Creator of the universe must exist.How can we demonstrate the existence of God to those who doubt or disbelieve? Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists in history, used a model of the solar system to show that the Creator of the universe must exist.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Jesus as Creator and Preserver of the Universe

Jesus as Creator and Preserver of the UniverseOnly God could create the heavens and the earth, but the Bible says Jesus did it! What does this tell us about who Jesus is? What does His role as Creator tell about His power and wisdom? What authority does He possess? What is His relation to the Father and to us as creatures? Is He a created being or is He eternal?

Monday, October 24, 2022

Guarding Our Security, Faithfulness, Endurance, and Eternal Salvation

Things that guard our security and faithfulnessIs it possible for a child of God to fall away and cease being faithful? If so, what has God provided to help us avoid falling? What guidance and instruction are offered by the Bible and other Christians? What about the power of prayer? How does God, by His love and grace, help us overcome temptation and avoid sin?

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Monday, September 5, 2022

Eternal Life: Understanding It and Obtaining It

What is eternal life and how can we obtain it?The Bible says Jesus can offer us eternal life, but what is the nature of eternal life? What is the source of life and how can we obtain it? Can other religions or religious leaders provide eternal life? Must we meet conditions to receive it? Do you know Jesus and how to have eternal life?

Monday, May 16, 2022

Seeking the Lord: Finding God's Will for Life

Seeking the Lord: How to Know God and His WillCan people seek for God and find Him and His will for our lives? What about people in Africa and other places where the gospel is little known? What must we do to seek for God? What about the attitude of our hearts? Must we believe in God and study the Bible? How important is obedience?

Monday, March 28, 2022

“Let Your Light Shine…”: A Christian’s Influence

Let Your Light Shine So Men May See Your Good Works and Glorify Your FatherJesus taught His disciples to set an example of good works so people would give glory to the Father in heaven. Everyone has influence. Our influence is shown by our works, not just our words. Evil conduct leads people to dishonor God, but good works lead people to glorify God. Is your light shining for God's glory?

Monday, February 28, 2022

Victory in Jesus: You Can Conquer Sin, Death

You can be victorious over evil, Satan, sin, and death through JesusWe are involved in a great spiritual battle with the forces of evil. Jesus won this battle, and we can conquer through Him. He was victorious over sin, temptation, evil, and even death. We can win these same victories through the weapons He supplies. Don't you want to be on His side and win the victory?

Monday, January 24, 2022

What Is Proper (Scriptural) Baptism?

What is proper baptism? How, when, why, and who should be baptized?Who should be baptized: how, why, and when? Should babies be baptized? Is baptism sprinkling. pouring, or immersion? What is the proper purpose of baptism? What conditions must one meet before being baptized? Is baptism necessary to receive forgiveness of sin? What commitment should one make for life after baptism?

Monday, December 27, 2021

Finding Fault with God vs. Trusting in God

Sometimes people allow questions about why God acts as He does to hinder them from believing in Him or serving Him.

Sometimes people allow questions about why God acts as He does to hinder them from believing in Him or serving Him. Must we answer every such question in order to serve God, or is the solution found in evidence for faith and trusting God to always know and do what is good?

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Glory and Honor to the Lord Our God

Why does God deserve to receive glory and honor in our worship and our lives?Why does God deserve to receive glory and honor? How should we express honor for God? Should we honor God for His majesty, character, and works? Are we expressing proper honor by our worship and our lives?

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If someone asked why you should serve God, what reasons would you list?

It is possible to have improper reasons, but here are some good reasons:

* Salvation from sin

* Heaven and hell

* Spiritual blessings (peace, hope, guidance for life, etc.)

* Better life (moral uprightness, good family relations, etc.)

* Love of God

We want to discuss a reason that I fear our lists would often omit.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Why Is Bible History Important to You?

Why is Bible history importance to you? Did Bible writers write myths or accurate history?What claims do Bible writers make about the accuracy of their history? Did they write myths and legends or historical events? Did they record eyewitness testimony? How important is this history to our evidence for God, Jesus, and the Bible? Is Bible history essential to our understanding of our purpose in life and salvation from sin?

Monday, August 23, 2021

Consensus Thinking: Right / Wrong Based on Mainstream / Majority

Is religious and moral truth determined by consensus, majority, or mainstream?People often determine what they believe in religion and morality based on the consensus, majority, or "mainstream" thinking, especially experts, scholars, or scientists. This occurs in government, media, education, denominations, etc. Is truth determined by polls and surveys or by the Bible?

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Rejoice in the Lord: The Christian's Joy

Rejoice in the Lord: The Christian's joy is based, not on physical circumstances, but on a proper relationship with God.The Christian's joy is not based on physical circumstances or human relationships. We can rejoice even as we suffer in these physical ways. Our joy is based on spiritual circumstances: forgiveness of sins, our fellowship with God, and the blessings of serving Him and the hope of eternal life.

Click here to view this as a video Bible study.

Click here to listen to this as a Bible study audio recording.

Click here to view PowerPoint slides to accompany this Bible study.

Monday, July 19, 2021

How to Persuade Unbelievers: Evidence from Acts

Evidence to believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible: miracles, fulfilled prophecy, resurrectionWhen someone does not believe in the Bible, Jesus, or God, how can we convince them? Should we use archaeology, science, logic, secular history? Yes, but examples in the book of Acts emphasize creation, miracles, fulfilled prophecy, and the resurrection of Jesus.

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Significance of Jesus' Resurrection

Significance of Jesus' resurrectionThe Fact Jesus Arose Gives Evidence for Faith and Hope for Salvation and Eternal Destinies.

Why is the resurrection of Jesus fundamentally important to the Christian faith? What evidence does it give us about Christ as Lord, Son of God, Deity, and Savior from sin? What can we learn about our own resurrection from the dead, judgment, and eternal destiny? What does it teach about forgiveness of sins, the conditions of salvation, and the life of Christians? Why is Jesus resurrection important to you?

Monday, April 26, 2021

Emotions in Religion: What Standard Should Guide Us?

How important are emotions in religion? Should we follow our hearts as a guide in worship and serving God?How much should we emphasize feelings in religion? Are emotions good or bad? Can we trust our feelings to tell us right from wrong or do we need a better standard in religion? Should our worship seek primarily to honor and praise God or to produce feelings that satisfy the people?

Monday, March 29, 2021

What Does It Mean to Forgive Others?

What does it mean to forgive others and what does it involve?When people sin against us should we seek vengeance, hold a grudge, hurt them with words and threats? Or should we love them, pray for them, and seek their good? When and how do we forgive? Must they repent and confess their sin? Is forgiveness conditional or unconditional?

Monday, March 1, 2021

Ready for Judgment Day: Preparation or Procrastination

Ready for the Judgment Day: Preparation or ProcrastinationJesus' parable of the Ten Virgins teaches the need for preparing and staying ready for His return. We should not procrastinate obedience but should prepare completely. We will be judged and rewarded individually for how we lived our lives.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Dangers of Marxism to Your Family and Your Country

 You need to understand the dangers Marxism poses to you, your family, and your country. Why are we experiencing riots, looting, and the Black Lives Matters movement? Who is behind this, and what role do Marxists and Communists play?

We have now completed our study about Marxism/Communism and its effects on our society. The fifth and final study discusses the ultimate goal of Marxism, how successful they are being, and what you and I can do about it.

These studies in this series are available as free videos at

This material is also available as a free article on our website at

We have also recently printed it in book form available for sale here:

Monday, December 14, 2020

Bible Justice, Social Justice, or Perverted Justice?

What is justice and what is the proper standard: God's word or human desires? Should we judge people based on individual conduct or on race, wealth, influence, or family? What about Social Justice?What is justice and what is the proper standard: God's word or human desires? Should we judge people based on individual conduct or on race, wealth, influence, or family? What about Social Justice?

Click here to view a video of this material.

Click here for PowerPoint slides for this material.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Video Bible Study: 1 Timothy - 26

 Bible class discussion about false teachers based on 1 Timothy 6:3-5

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Glacier National Park, False Prediction, and Bible Prophecy

False prediction of global warming in Glacier National ParkA sign in Glacier National Park predicted that global warming would destroy the glaciers. In contrast, the Bible is proved to be true by accurate prophecy.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Increasing and Abounding in the Lord's Work


Christians should increase and abound in good works.Like a tree grows every year, Christians should continually grow in God's service. We must abound and increase in faith, love, knowledge, teaching, and all good works of righteousness.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

“He Ain’t Heavy: He’s My Brother”


He ain't heavy, he's my brother. Spiritual brothers should love and care for one another.The love that family members should have for one another should teach spiritual brothers to never harm one another but to appreciate, help, and encourage one another and to reconcile our differences.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Jesus Died Alone for You and Me

Jesus suffered and died alone on the cross of CalvaryWhen Jesus died for our sins, everyone forsook Him. His disciples deserted or denied Him. Even His Father forsook Him on the cross.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Lessons from a Star: Christians Should Shine

Like the stars in the sky, God created Christians to shine. The good works Christians do should bring glory to God.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Relationships between Races and Nationalities

Prejudice, unfair discrimination, conflict, hatred, riots, and alienation often exist between people of different races or nationalities. What about the Black Lives Matter movement? Is there a solution to racial strife and bigotry? Can we be united in Christ?

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Why Did God Make Mosquitos?

If God is good and wise, why would He make mosquitos that cause discomfort and problems? This question helps us understand other concerns about suffering.