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Monday, August 26, 2024

Things That Are Temporary: A Study of Priorities

Things that are temporary: a study in prioritiesEverything you can experience with your physical senses will someday pass away. Only things you cannot see are eternal. So what should be your priorities in life? Possessions, wealth, pleasures, entertainment, sports - all are temporary and will end. Pleasing people, popularity, even life and good health will end. Only serving God leads to eternal rewards and lasting blessings.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Jesus’ Character as Evidence for His Claims

Jesus' life and character offer strong evidence that He was the Divine Son of God.Jesus' miracles, resurrection, and fulfilled prophecy give powerful evidence proving He was the Divine Son of God. But His life and character also offer proof. His claims, moral purity, and teaching demonstrate He was not a liar, hypocrite, or lunatic but was exactly who He claimed to be.

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