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Monday, December 26, 2022

Fellowship with Error: Encouragement, Support, Assistance, Justification, Acceptance

Should we fellowship sin? What about encouraging, juistifying, defending, or assisting those who do wrong?Fellowship is sharing or being part of an activity. Is it possible to be guilty of a wrong act even if we do not actually commit the act? What about encouragement or tempting others to sin? Is it wrong to support, assist, or cooperate with those who do evil acts? What if we defend, protect, or justify those who sin? What does the Bible say?

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Sir Isaac Newton’s Model Solar System and God

Isaac Newton used a model of the solar system to show that the Creator of the universe must exist.How can we demonstrate the existence of God to those who doubt or disbelieve? Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists in history, used a model of the solar system to show that the Creator of the universe must exist.