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Monday, November 7, 2016

Moral Decline and the Faith of Abraham

Hebrews 11:17 – By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, of whom it was said, "In Isaac your seed shall be called," concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense.

Several Scriptures discuss the faith of Abraham and especially his faith in being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. Hebrews 11 says his faith was so great he believed God could raise Isaac from the dead. Consider some lessons we can learn:

Monday, September 5, 2016

Does the Thief on the Cross Prove Baptism is Not Essential?

Luke 23:39-43 - Jesus was crucified between two criminals (thieves). As the three of them were suspended, one thief ridiculed Jesus, but the other defended Him. Jesus promised this one would be in Paradise that day.

This saying of Jesus has become a center of controversy. Many believe Jesus saves people on the basis of "faith alone," so baptism is not essential to receive forgiveness of sins. When the subject is discussed, people commonly bring up the thief as someone who was saved without baptism. They conclude that if Jesus would save this man without baptism, He would also save us without baptism.

Let us consider further. What does this case teach us about the terms of forgiveness under the gospel?

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Significance of Jesus' Resurrection

The resurrection was one of the most commonly mentioned themes in the preaching of the apostles.

It was preached as a major proof for Jesus' claims. But it was also used to teach many other important lessons.

If the resurrection was so important in the preaching of inspired men in the first century, surely it should be just as important in our preaching today.

The purpose of this study is to consider the significance of Jesus' resurrection. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

The Duration of Spiritual Gifts

Note: This is the conclusion of a series of studies about miracles, tongues, Holy Spirit baptism, healings, and spiritual gifts. To see the whole series, go to our Bible Instruction website at


Previous articles showed that the purposes of spiritual gifts pertained to the work of revealing and confirming God's will for man. And that work was completed during the lifetime of the original apostles.

Our purpose now will be to consider whether, when this work was completed, the gifts were to continue or did God cause them to cease?

Some people believe that miracles and direct revelation still occur today. Is this correct, or have the gifts ceased?

Monday, May 30, 2016

To Whom Do the Teachings of the New Testament Apply?


Sometimes people wonder whether all people are universally accountable to obey the teachings of the gospel, the New Testament, or is it only for members of the church? Are people free from the laws of God simply because they have never chosen to submit to those laws, or will God still hold them accountable in the Judgment for the fact they did not obey the Bible?

Monday, May 2, 2016

Are You "In Christ"?

John 15:1-6 -- To bear good fruit for the Lord and to avoid being cast off, we must abide in Christ. Surely this makes it essential for all who want eternal life to be "in Christ."

Many Scriptures talk about Christians being "in Christ." The purpose of this study is to examine those passages.

What does it mean to be in Christ? Why should a person want to be in Christ? How does a person come into Christ and abide in Him?

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Authority of Scriptural Reasoning


   Most Bible believers admit that God teaches directly by means of direct commands and direct statements. We sometimes say: "Commands constitute binding authority"; so, people are expected to obey, and those who do not obey in error.
    [Examples: Acts 10:48; Matthew 22:37-39; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25; 14:37; John 14:15,21-24; 15:14; 1 John 2:3,4; 5:3; Matthew 28:18-20]
    But besides direct, explicit statements, the Bible also teaches by indirect methods. These methods include examples and "necessary inferences" (or "logical conclusions"). Some people say we are obligated to follow only commands. They deny that example and necessary inference are valid, binding ways to determine God's will. They may even say that using such methods constitutes a man-made creed or a human tradition. (Some even have a name for this view. They call it a "new hermeneutic.")
    The purpose of this study is to examine whether or not "necessary inference" constitutes a Scriptural method to learn God's will.

Monday, February 1, 2016

What Is the Meaning of Life?


What is the meaning of life? Without doubt, this is one of the most challenging, and yet one of the most fundamental, questions the mind can consider.

People throughout history have pondered the purpose of life. Philosophers spin theories. Poets write songs. Young people drop out of society to "find out what it's all about." Older people may remain within the "establishment," but they still wonder.

Obviously life is real. No one can deny that the world exists and people exist. You live, eat, sleep, breathe, and move. But do you understand why you exist?

Please consider with me the challenging question of life. What is it really all about? To answer this question, we will look at three specific questions.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Humanism and the Bible


Few people were aware of, or concerned about, the Humanist philosophy until recently. As it has become more influential, it has become better known. Yet still few people really understand it or realize the depth of its influence on society.

The purposes of this study are to acquaint people with the major doctrines of Humanism, to demonstrate the influence it is having in our society, and to compare its teachings to those of the Bible.