Scriptures instruct us that, to determine what is true, we should compare
doctrines and practices to the Bible.
Timothy 3:16,17 - The Scriptures are inspired by God, instruct us in
righteousness, and provide us to every good work. [2 Tim. 2:15; 1 John 2:3-5]
1 John
4:1,6 - However, there are many false prophets, so we must put them to the
test. We do this by comparing their teachings to the teachings we know are from
God. [Cf. 1 Cor. 1:13]
1:8,9 - Any man, even an angel, must teach the same gospel taught by inspired
men. Any who teach different gospels are accursed. See 2 John 9-11.
17:11,12 - The Bereans were able to determine what was or was not true by
searching the Scriptures daily.
intends for us to determine the validity of any doctrine we hear by comparing
it to what we know to be His revelation. If it does not agree, then it cannot
be from God, and those who teach it are not pleasing to God.
teachers will encourage listeners to compare their teaching to Scripture. If
teachers belittle Scripture and object when people compare their teachings to
Scripture, you can know those teachers are not from God.
purpose of this study is to examine some particular teachings and compare them
to Scripture, as the above passages teach.
doctrines we will examine are those taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints (the Mormons). Mormons claim to agree that the Bible is from
God (Article of Faith #8). We do not accept their claim that their Mormon
"Scriptures" are from God, but we agree that the Bible is from God.
Since Mormons and we agree that the Bible is from God, then we can determine
the truth of Mormon teaching by comparing it to the Bible.