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Monday, January 14, 2013

Are You Really "Born Again"?


One of the most common expressions used by some sincere religious people is "born again": "born-again Christians," "born-again believers," etc. The way the expression is used sometimes makes one wonder whether folks really understand the Bible meaning of the term.

In this study, let us consider exactly how a person is "born again"

How does a person know whether he has been born again? Is it possible to think we have been born again when we really have not been? Some will reply that, to be born again you must accept Jesus as your personal Savior. But how does this happen? What does the Bible say?

Jesus' Second Coming: Fact and Fiction

2 Peter 3:10 - "The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night."

Many fictions exist about the second coming of Jesus.

People who don't claim to be Christians hold many fictions about Jesus' return.

Many doubt that Jesus will return at all or that He will punish people for sin.

People who do claim to be Christians also hold many fictions about Jesus' return.

Speculations abound regarding when He will come and what will happen when He comes. Many of these fictions are popularized by people who hold various premillennial theories.

The purpose of this study is to examine fictions about that day and compare them to the facts of the Scriptures.

Religious Confusion and Disagreement

Religious confusion and disagreement abound. Religious people are divided into hundreds of different groups, wearing different names, worshiping in different ways, and teaching different doctrines.

In this study we want to consider why there is so much confusion, disagreement, and division. Does God approve of it or disapprove?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Why Should You Attend Church Meetings?


Many New Testament passages describe local congregations of God's people conducting regular meetings to worship God and study His word (Acts 20:7; 11:26; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34; chap. 14; Hebrews 10:25). These meetings are intended to provide blessings and opportunities that benefit those who attend.

The purpose of this study is to discuss why each Christian should urgently determine to attend whenever the local church meets.

Is One Interpretation of the Bible as Good as Another?


Many people believe the idea that truth is subjective, especially in religion. So some think that whatever you believe to be true, to you it is true. But what another person believes to be true, that is true for him. So, everybody has his own "truth," even if it flatly contradicts other people's "truths."

For years people used this idea to justify disagreements and contradictions between denominations. They say: "One person sees the Bible one way, and others see it differently. One interpretation is as good as another." In effect, this means that people cannot understand the Bible alike; so whatever it means to you is right for you, even if it contradicts the way other people see it. As long as you practice what you honestly believe the Bible says, God will be pleased.

As a result, some people will not even seriously listen to views that differ from their own. They think it does not matter anyway, so why discuss it?

The purpose of this study is to examine the idea that one belief or interpretation of the Bible is as good as another.



Purpose of this study:

If we seek to be happy, to be led by the Spirit, to avoid destruction, to be like great people such as Moses and Jesus, we should want to know what meekness and humility are and how we can have them in our lives. It is the purpose of this lesson to study these qualities, what they are, and how they will affect our lives. Specifically, we will frequently note the examples and teaching of Moses and of Jesus regarding meekness and humility. 

Observance of Religious Holy Days


Modern denominations, that claim to be Christian, observe various holy days in celebration of religious events. These days have been developed and designated by men over the centuries since the New Testament was written. While you may read in the Bible about the events these days are supposed to memorialize, you do not find that the Bible tells us to observe these holy days in memory of these events.

The purpose of this study is to examine these holy days and see what the Bible says about them.